I remember feeling like I was stuck on an island. It was a low spot in my life. I couldn’t even locate my dreams, much less act to try to experience them. I was lost.
Maybe you feel that way today.
Let me encourage you, it all begins with a roadmap. Let’s take the journey together.
coffee time
Rich Clay is a pastor, leadership coach and motivational specialist. He inspires listeners to action through utilization of humor, real life examples and word pictures that communicate life changing principles. Rich specializes in transformational grace teaching, encouraging and inspiring through men's conferences, leadership coaching and development, and sharpening athletic performance with mind agility.
Rich has a masters degree from Regent University in Organizational Leadership with emphasis in coaching and mentoring. Rich is a cultural strategist skilled at redirecting and reorganizing internal structures and systems to create more organizational effectiveness and significance. Rich utilizes innovative approaches to maximize a leaders strengths.